Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Beginning......

Years ago, when I first heard the word 'blog' I thought it was stupid and I had ZERO interest in doing one or reading anyone else's. It's this thing I do, where I instantly dislike any new idea. I rebel against it until I can see how useful it is. I can't help it, I get it from my dad. Lately I have been seriously enjoying about 4 blogs regularly and then I started to feel guilty about so many things. I'm not a believer of guilt so this is new for me! First, I feel guilty as I read people's blogs and see how much they enjoy their children and how peaceful their homes seem to be. Surely I can't be the only frustrated, fed up (sometimes) mom out there. Secondly, I don't journal and this saddens me greatly. My sister keeps a diligent journal, so much of her children's early years have been documented. (She also keeps a diligently clean house, another thing I don't do but that's a whole other posting!) I feel guilty about my weight but I'll save that for another day and all the other things I have guilt about are really none of your business so butt out!

Anyway, how could it hurt to record a little of what goes on around here 'Dabels' style.....even if it is a bit dangerous?


  1. Yay! I love a juicy blog. :)

  2. Oh good. I feel very much the same as you sometimes. I don't keep a journal either (though, before I had kids, I kept one on a daily basis), I don't have a well-kept house and sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy too.

    I look forward to reading more. :)

  3. ah don't ever let blogs make you feel guilty!! that;s just silly. AND I'm excited to read yours :)

  4. Maybe Brett will stop making fun of my blog when he finds out you have one... He pretty much thinks that you and Darcy are the best thing(s) ever.

  5. And that's why we love Brett! Even if he does have bad taste in windows!

  6. BRAVO for you! I love this idea. You are a natural blogger! Keep it up. You always make me laugh out loud with your chaotics. I feel closer to you again already.
