Mostly I stood there at his side at the ready. Whatever you need, my love, I will get it. You just nail the wood down (fast). The man is like a doctor of wood. He's good at wood.
And I was like his beautiful, sexy, much too young, hot and sassy head nurse. I would predict what he needed and be right there ready to put it into his hand.
Hardwood, right there.
Pencil, right there.
Hammer, right there.
Wooden blocky thing for hitting with the hammer, right there.
Nails, right there.
Scalpel, wait....what?
Can you tell I have been watching Grey's Anatomy on boxset?
We worked like a dream team and mostly I didn't screw up. I really need to master the concept of eyeballing it usually doesn't work. Measure twice, cut once. Or how about just measure right the first time and move on. That sounds about right. This isn't scrapbooking after all. It can't just 'almost be right', right?
We had every intention of staining the wood throughout the main floor relatively dark. But laying it in this beautiful airy master bedroom I have decided I want it really light, as light as possible throughout the main floor. Poo poo on what anyone else says, it's what I would want if I were to live there. So thus begins the hunt for the perfect stain that won't turn the oak into a retro golden oak explosion. (It's proving to be tricky).
Isn't it beautiful all light and airy? I need it to stay this way. I don't want it to be dark and gloomy.........
I love the master at Willacy, I could sit in it endlessly.
Here is a picture that proves two things..... maybe three.
One, the man and I did, in fact, lay this hardwood ourselves.
Two, I clearly worked harder than he did.
And maybe three, I drink too much pop while I work.
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