Monday, May 3, 2010

sleepy mondays

What did I do this weekend? Hmmm......

Had dinner with my parents. We gossiped.
I vacuumed, but not under the couches.
I made itty bitty cupcakes.
I sent the kids outside and listened to them shoot each other with guns that were really hockey sticks. BANG, BANG!!!
I cleaned a bathroom, but not well.
I washed sheets and made beds for visiting guests.
I ordered pizza.
I bought some new lipstick.
I went to my sisters for girls night and it was nice to get out.
I went to church, I love going to church now that there are no more babies and I love that I love to go to church again.
I went to my nephew's Priest ordination. His dad ordained him and it was awesome.
I made 15 baked potatoes and forgot to have one. I also forgot to put the bacon bits out for the rest of the people.
I made Dip. So much dip it was gross and it almost all got eaten.
I hung around with my family and talked and talked and talked.
I kissed all my nieces and nephews except Claire because she's afraid of me.
I stayed up way too late Sunday night talking to my honey and woke up Monday morning haggard.

Had a good weekend. Love good weekends.

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