Wednesday, July 11, 2012

a letter to my weight

Dear March 19th 2012,

I want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you. In fact, I think about you everyday. I don't always act like you're on my mind but you are. Sometimes I act like I don't care about you and I act like I never made those promises I made. But that's just me drowning in my own issues.

Pretending like I don't care.

Truth be known, I do care and I can't hide. So I made promises, almost 4 months ago. I promised to take care of my weight. I started. I tried. I failed. And then I failed again. But, true to my form, I carried on.

I thought it might be time to drop you a note and let you know that although I fail, over and over, I also succeed on occasion.

This week I reached the ten pound mark on this 30-pounds-gone-before-my-birthday journey. I know, I know, it took forever but getting there eventually is better than never getting there at all.


Yep, I'm right.

I should also tell you that I met someone.

He's good for me. Good for my my broken brain. He's helping me overcome some of my food issues. He's teaching me better ways and he's helping me make choices that make me happy.

It's good to be happy.

Anyway, he's a cool guy and he's a smarty pants. I'll tell you more about him later.

I just wanted to say hi. I'm here and I'm well and I'm still plugging away at it.

Until the next ten pounds,



  1. So awesome Catherine! I'm continuing the struggle over here as well. This heat might help, I don't feel like eating!

  2. Nice job! I finally lost ten pounds as well, but I think I gained it all back last week when we had company here!

  3. Good for you! Are you working with a trainer?

  4. I need to know more about your "guy". Can he help me too?

  5. Very nice! I think you are doing awesome. It's a marathon, not a sprint :)
