Saturday, April 23, 2011

a lesson for the little one

Daddy: "What is the most important thing about Easter?"

Amelia: "The Easter Bunny comes!"

Daddy: "Yes, that's really fun but what is even more important than the Easter Bunny?"

Amelia: "Caaaaanndeeeee."

This is how we began our ever so important traditional Easter Family Home Evening lesson last week. All the other children knew the right answers. There's only one left who still thinks the Easter bunny trumps the resurrection. It's okay though, we took the opportunity and taught her all about how much her Saviour loves her. We told her He loves her so much that He died for her.

But then, we taught her that He lives again and that one day she will live with Him again too.

We taught her that we don't celebrate the death of our Saviour at Easter. We celebrate that He rose up after He was crucified and that He lives again. We celebrate the resurrection. We taught her that this same opportunity will be hers one day.

This is where our joy lies. This is where we find our peace in a scary world. This is what we know.

Easter is such a fun time at our house. Children are happy with treats and spending time together. Parents are happy that there are so many opportunities to teach about Jesus Christ. It's a win-win.

I am grateful for my Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Happy Easter.


  1. Happy Easter!

  2. I just had this chat with my daughter yesterday, who was counting down sleeps until the Easter bunny came. I thought, you know, it's not just about the Easter bunny....

    Happy Easter! Enjoy the sun!

  3. I'm looking for the "like" button.
