Wednesday, April 20, 2011

thinking in first person

Catherine Dabels isn't feeling all that hot and she really really really doesn't want to go to cubs tonight.

If I was on facebook this would be my status right now.

Or maybe it would be:

Catherine Dabels made a hodge podge meal from the freezer and the kids weren't fans.

Or, how about:

Catherine Dabels should have had a shower many many hours ago.


Catherine Dabels would love to curl up in her cozy wozy bed and finish her book so she can finish finishing her other book.

Catherine Dabels wonders how many months it would take to stop thinking in facebook status'.

Tonight's the last night to enter the giveaway for tomorrow we draw names. Last chance.


  1. Heather Williamson finds Facebook very dull this month

  2. HA- i talk in 1st person a lot-- ever notice how much it freaks people out when you do? LOL

  3. BTW - my current FB status says: 'Mom loves doing chores - that's why we don't have to' - Max.
